This is an open political forum. We accept all views – left, right, and in between. This message board will not tolerate abuse. There is a difference between attacking public political figures and attacking members of this board.
If you have a viewpoint – please share it. Moreover, give details on how you have come to that conclusion. If possible, provide links to support your comments. Any post (as well as your membership) is subject to removal by the Administrator or Moderators.
Although this is not an ‘adult’ message board, some posts may contain harsh language.
I hate the ads at the top of the page as much as you do. If this board is popular, we can get our own domain and eliminate the ads. The cost to upgrade, as of November 9, 2009, is $95.40 per year. That's less that $5 (U.S.) per member if we have 20 subscribers.
Community Funding allows members of the forum to donate funds towards the Active Board Gold service. CLICK HERE to help fund this board or for details!
Gold service provides various advantages, including an ad-free experience, Chatbox, Broadcast Email, File Attachments, Customizable Avatar Library, Custom Smileys, Chat, etc.
All contributing members will have access to a private (not visible to the public) section on the board.
Thank you!
-- Edited by Administrator on Monday 9th of November 2009 12:37:02 PM